The biggest inspirational event in the country happened last Nov. 22-25, 2018 at the SMX Convention Center. 



More than 10,000 people from all walks of life, in the Philippines and abroad, gathered for 4 days of spiritual, physical, psychological, business and financial nourishment. 



Kcon2018_Bo Sanchez



It was truly an honor to have been given the task by Brother Bo Sanchez and his Kerygma Conference team to host and moderate the panel discussion of the Successful Formula for Leadership.? The one hour panel was about sharing the personal and business formulas of the 3 Truly Rich Club Masterminds. Brother Bo’s close friends, mentors, and business partners: Mr. Edward Lee, Mr. Arthur Gindap and Mr. Ronnie Siasoyco. 



A glimpse of how everybody got pumped up for the Leadership stream! 🙂



While I always bump into these 3 gentlemen, as I, together with the other 300 members, get to spend a day with these masterminds every 3 months or so, it is not every day that I get to ask them questions. And as part of Brother Bo’s Platinum Wealth Circle, it was easier for me to pick the questions and become a bridge for the people who have always wanted to get to know them deeper.



When asked what is the first thing he does upon waking up and the last thing he does before sleeping, Chair and founder of COL Financial Group, Inc., Mr. Edward Lee said that he looks….at the….Market ?
Sir Edward wakes up around 4:30 am and that is the first thing he does being in the stock market. His dedication and passion clearly got him to where he is now. And to balance out things, I further asked… “If you were to lose everything you worked so hard for, what is that one thing you’d like to keep?” To which he replied…”Legacy.” “My family is my legacy. Everything else is for sale.” Now I am sure, he got you thinking. Or at least reflecting. 



On the other hand, the big man behind the 5-star hotels in the country and the rest of Asia, Mr. Arthur Gindap, now with Robinsons Land Corporation shared that as a leader, honesty is what he values a lot. And that he makes sure to talk to all his new hires to get to know them and their values better. To check on his level of tolerance, when I asked him if he would give someone a second chance upon making a mistake, he quickly answered…. “For stealing? If it’s stealing, No.” He then added that there are so many people who are looking for jobs and that he would rather consider them than keep someone who has issues on values.



Now what is interesting is that the 3rd speaker is actually one of the original Masterminds! Together with Bro. Bo and Sir Randy Manaloto (who I bumped into attending Tony Robbin’s event in New York 2 weeks ago!), the CEO of Trion Group of companies, Mr. Ronnie Siasoyco, was one of the men behind the Truly Rich Club! Sir Ronnie left us with a big message that leadership is a behavior. Such a short sentence but very powerful. If I ask you to reflect on that message, what action will you be doing today to step up as a leader?



On stage sharing their journey and principles in life. Watching these gentlemen were many thousands of people.




On a lighter side, what made the conference a lot more special for me was the chance to catch up with some of my friends who share the same passion and spiritual hunger.



They all reminded me that life is just becoming more and more beautiful. That blessings are limitless as each of them showered me with warmth and happiness. 


.“Sige na, Bro. Bo., bilhin mo na yang Positivity sprays!” Haha. Just kidding. I handed him a set for Ms Marowe and he was all smiles! I wonder what scent they will like! I like the Bamboo scent the most! 🙂




Hazel Nespra, my friend,  a Strength’s Finder coach.




Chooks to Go and Papa Dan’s Ms Jo. I’ve always been a fan of this company!




Shepherds Voice Productions’ super kind ladies, Ruby and Joy. I adore them!




Youth I admire ! Jack, Maggy and Bella are my co-retreatants and friends. Our families have been doing it for so many years!




 A couple I adore, Mr. and Mrs Siasoyco for the win! 




        Power couple Edwin and Rezza Soriano who are international authors and coaches




 My family and friends!  From L to R, amazing business owners Biel, Tita Maru, my mom (yay!) Tito Ton, Dra. Sheila and Jom. Oh what fun!



Kerygma 2018_Bro Bo Sanchez_Janice Dela Cruz

My friend, financial advisor, the ever supportive Janice Delacruz




Feast Builder Anthony Valenzuela and my best friend, Book Writing Coach, Sha Nacino.




Feast Shaw’s and Work from Home coach March Nacino who did a great job hosting, too!





My fellow Toastmaster, speaker Raju Mandhyan and beautiful daughter





Feast Builder Jay Yogawin in the house!!!




My friend Dulce from COL Financial and her wonderful daughter!




Author Carlo Mercado and wife (future Kcon speaker!) Faye 🙂    





And now, the reason why you got into my website. Please allow me to share with you my short personal takeaways from the biggest inspirational and learning conference in the country!



When I wrote this, I was in Dubai (I still am, as I edit this) and I’m just thankful that while I struggled waking up early to put this out, I didn’t have to think so hard about my biggest lesson from Kerygma. It just came naturally. That’s why I know that this is it. That this is not manufactured. And that this is as raw as it can get.



So thank you for making it this far. And now I am ready to share my heart, my thoughts with you. I hope you are, too.



You see, sometimes, your personal lessons don’t come thru a quote. Or thru a story shared by the speaker. Or thru what was read. Sometimes, the biggest lesson resonates thru a series of events during those gatherings. And all those people, all those experiences made you reflect this far, this deep.



Here is mine.



A year ago, there were times I won’t share what I know: the answers to questions, the techniques I researched about, the food I had, the people in my life, the projects I got, the prizes I had on my hands, the life hacks that would make life so much easier to manage.






Because I was selfish.



Because they were all mine, and so I thought.



Because I worked hard for them and the last thing I wanted was to give them away to some people who did not even work for it!






Because I deserved all of them and I don’t think others deserve them as I did.



Because if I give them away, then what’s left for me?



Because I was too afraid that I will be left with nothing. And I did not want to be left with nothing.



And so, that was how I operated for the longest time. Until one day, I woke up understanding what my mentors Brother Bo, Joel Osteen, Tony Robbins, Dale Carnegie, Jack Canfield, Raymond Lim, Kathrin Zenkina, Alex Beadon, and my friends Sha, Martine, Kimi, Roman, and Tita Peggy meant when they said that you would want to let go of the scarcity mindset and embrace the one that works which is called Abundance.



An abundance mindset means that you give and give what you have no matter how irrational sometimes it may seem to you. Abundance mindset works 100% of the time. This means you would have to train your mind, your body and make your soul understand the process that goes with it and the attitude you want to keep up with. This, in reality, does not happen overnight but it can get sooner than you thought. Abundance mindset.






Because this is how the Universe operates.



Because everyone has a place in this world and therefore, there are more than enough gifts for every creature on this planet.



Because it is only in giving that we receive.






Because when we give, we create more spaces for growth.



Because when we share, it comes back to us a thousandfold.



Because you and I, we are good people. And we have the heart to share, serve and love. The mind to think of others. The heart to feel for others. That capacity to love.



Having the abundance mindset means that you are not afraid to share what you know to people. You are up to giving them tips and tricks you discovered so that they can do better. You do not keep the opportunities all to yourself because there are so many other chances out there, and that the more you help, the more the Universe will love you and your big heart. This is about you being an instrument of abundance to others and to yourself as well.



My friend, Kerygma 2018 left me with a beautiful banner goal for 2019.



Just when I thought 2017 couldn’t get better, my 2018 surpassed it with so many surprises!



They are just so many that as the year ends now, projects keep on coming in like it’s already a start of the new season!



And so for 2019, with nothing but unwavering faith, a whole new level of bravery, and this beautiful mindset that if it’s in your mind, it will happen… I am more than ready to think, speak and walk Abundance like I have never done!



My 2019 is all about Abundance. Abundance. Abundance. In every sense of the word.



How about you? What one thing, trait, or virtue are you currently teaching yourself?



Is it having the abundance mindset, too? Is it having stronger faith? Believing that blessings are limitless?



What are you getting ready for?


I may not know the deepest desires of your heart right now but as you read this, know that I have sent you my positive energy to somehow help you along the way. 🙂





P.S. If you liked reading thru this, I think you’d enjoy my weekly stories too! Make sure you have subscribed to my list thru this website. 🙂



P.P.S. Speaking of sharing skills, talent and technology to make lives better, if you want to learn how to engage people in terms of hosting events, moderating a panel, or simply getting and sustaining the attention of the crowd, I put up this workshop for you!



Rico Hizon x Positivitrix Trixie Esguerra Hosting Workshop

I have 3 seats left to the December 8 Hosting Workshop level 2 with BBC World News’ Mr. Rico Hizon. Click:

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